-The MTFCI strongly encourages historic preservation of the Model T. Judging of cars encourages member to research their car's history, then closely follow their original specification in their restoration work. Resources are available to assist members in this endeavor.
-The MTFCI knows the key to furthering the hobby for future generations is to encourage and support the youth of today. Many young people build, drive, and maintain their own Model T's, generating excitement that will last for years to come. The MTFCI Foundation awards several educational scholarships each year to deserving young people. The Steve and Dianne Bumgarner Youth on Tour Fund allows youth age 17 and under to attend the Annual Tour at no charge! For more information on scholarship visit the scholarship page on this website.
Model T Times, the official publication of the MTFCI
With your annual membership you will receive six issues of the Model T Times magazine. This award-winning publication includes articles of interest for all ages and is full of historical information, technical tips, personal stories, and feature articles about the Model T. Stay informed of details about upcoming national MTFCI events and local activities. Locate parts you need from commercial supplier ads or member submitted classified ads. Each member is eligible for a free fifty-word ad each issue. Younger members will enjoy a column written just for them by the MTFCI Youth Editor.
MTFCI Chapters are located around the globe
Local chapters are established throughout the world and listed in the Model T Times and on this website. Many chapters host local tours, technical seminars, swap meets, and frequent opportunities for fellowship with other enthusiasts. Find a chapter near you today and connect with others in your area who share a passion for the Model T.
The Model T Ford Club was founded in December of 1952 in Chicago, Illinois, and was subsequently registered as a nonprofit historical corporation in the State of Illinois. When the Club began to charter chapters, the name was modified to The Model T Ford Club International. The official magazine of the Club is Model T Times, which is published bi-monthly (six issues annually). The Model T Club hosts annual and regional tours and meetings to support the Model T hobby. A number of MTFCI local chapters host a variety of events including tours, meetings, dinners, and other social events. Today we have over 3000 members and 100 chapters located around the world.