Each year on the Model T Ford Club International Annual Tour members may choose to have their car judged based on authenticity. Our Class Judging is meant to be a learning activity where a member can learn to make their car more authentic based on the Model T Ford Club International Judging Guidelines which are available to purchase. A first, second and third place trophy will be awarded based on points. Judge’s score sheets are made available at a later time during the week when awards are passed out during an evening event on tour.
The Model T Ford Club International offers a Stynoski Class for the most meritorious restoration of the year based on the Model T Ford Club International Judging Guidelines. These cars are restored to, “As it left the factory condition”. A car registered on tour may qualify for this class and is driven on daily tours. If a car is just brought to the tour to be shown in the Stynoski class only and not driven on daily tours a small fee is required at registration and the Chief Judge will set up a course for the car to be driven to make sure the Model T is in operational condition. Stynoski Cars must earn minimum points to receive the Stynoski Trophy. The winner’s name will appear on the traveling Stynoski Trophy and the winner will enjoy the trophy for a time of one year. At the end of the one year period the recipient will receive a permanent replacement Stynoski Trophy.
Other ways to be involved in Model T Ford Club International judging is to become a Certified Judge. Our organization works diligently to make sure our judges are held to the highest standards. You will find our class judging tests available to be downloaded below. Download as many or as few as you would like. These are not meant to be from completed memory but rather are, “Open book”, using the Model T Ford Club International Judging Guidelines as a test resource. When completed mail a completed test(s) to:
Chief Judge
Mark Eyre
17626 13 Mile Road
Battle Creek, Mi 49014